Elizabeth D. Fondren
Attorney Mediator
Elizabeth D. Fondren
Attorney Mediator

Compassionate, effective representation
Plain English answers to your legal questions
Compassionate, effective representation
Plain English answers to your legal questions
Free initial consultation - It costs nothing to talk to me!
Family Law services include:
Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce)
Legal Separation
Nullity of Marriage (Annulment)
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Support
Spousal Support
Dividing Assets & Assigning Debt
Modifying Orders
Prenuptial Agreements
Post Nuptial Agreements
Mediation Services
Comprehensive flat fee estate planning
​packages include:
Living Trust
Pour-Over Will
Powers of Attorney
Health Care Directive
Transfer Deed and PCOR
Elizabeth D. Fondren
Attorney at Law
Elizabeth D. Fondren
Attorney at Law
Separation and divorce are full of uncertainty, from how you will share your children, to how much money you will be left with to pay bills, maybe even where you will live. I specialize in helping good people through difficult times.
My practice is a balance between litigation and mediation. My passion is mediation, keeping clients OUT of court. In my experience, clients who work together to untangle the knots between them, versus airing all the "dirty laundry" in the courtroom, are more likely to achieve a sustainable sense of peace moving forward, which is especially important for co-parents. And since I maintain an active litigation arm to my practice, I can tell you what the judge will do.
Some cases simply cannot be mediated, domestic violence matters for instance, and those I take into court right away to obtain appropriate orders.
Finally, I can help you get your affairs in order, either revoking or amending prior instruments or starting fresh.